Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Home & Hassles


Gotta make this quick today. I got home Friday evening after:
- Delivering a load in Milwaukee
- Driving down to make a pickup in South Holland, IL
- Taking that load to a USA Truck drop yard in Blue Island, IL (10 miles or less away)
- Dropping that trailer and grabbing an empty one from Blue island
- Driving home (well, to my parking place in Romulus, MI)

It's been a busy weekend, and USA actually gave me Monday off, too, so I'm supposed to head back to my truck today. Well, we got a pretty good snowstorm here overnight and into today, so the going's a bit difficult. So I couldn't make my way (actually, my brother-in-law will be giving me a ride over) to my truck first thing this morning as planned. Instead, I'm giving the weather some time to clear up and the road crews some time to get the roads cleared up, too. I expect I'll be heading out fairly soon, providing my ride is still available.

Anyway, I need to mention that when I head out for this next tour of duty, I'll be cut off from the outside world--at least my internet pathway to it--because my laptop is down for the count. You recall that previously I had mentioned a problem with the power cord (actually the transformer cord). Well, the cord finally bit the dust and the laptop's battery gave its all.

I have a new transformer on order, but it isn't scheduled to arrive at my house 'til March 3. And I'll be out on the road by then, of course. (I thought I had asked for expedited delivery, but apparently something got lost in translation.) So I'll be offline probably 'til I get home next, which will be Easter weekend. Maybe I'll get lucky and get a load through this area so I can stop nearby and Mrs. R.T. can run the new transformer out to me. But don't count on it. So if you don't see any updates here for a while, you'll know why. I hope I can occasionally find internet kiosks at truck stops until I resolve my laptop problem so I can at least check my e-mail. But they charge a bit too much for me to spend the time I need to compose decent updates for y'all.

I gotta go now. Many thanks to R.T. daughter #2 for the use of her laptop to write this posting. Thanks for checking in on me, and keep on truckin'.


hrr said...

I know you won't be reading this until long after the week has passed, but...

Washington, DC - National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Mark V. Rosenker said today that the occasion of National Sleep Awareness Week (March 3-9) should remind operators of vehicles in all modes of transportation about the inherent dangers of fatigue.

"The Safety Board is very concerned about reducing accidents and incidents caused by human fatigue," Rosenker said. "We have seen numerous accidents where human fatigue was the probable cause or a contributing factor."

Fatigue has been on the Board's Most Wanted List of safety improvements since the list's inception in 1990.

Throughout its 41-year history, the NTSB has seen the issue of fatigue reoccur in many of its accident investigations with fatal results. As a result, NTSB has studied operator fatigue and issued recommendations calling for improved scheduling regulations and practices, education for operators and employers concerning fatigue and sleep disorders, and research to better understand the risks associated with fatigue in transportation.

"Inadequate sleep puts the public at risk," Rosenker said.
"Improving the quantity and quality of our sleep can increase safety and save lives. It takes personal responsibility to ensure that you are well rested before embarking on a personal or professional trip," he added.

Here's hoping your nights are long and restful. See you 'round.

Jim Robertson said...

I have missed your posts. Hope you are back on-line, soon.
Jim the Baritone